Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Are you suffering from dandruff? If yes you need to be alert and through it away by preparing some natural home remedies for dandruff at home.  The dandruff will not be only embarrassing you, it is also the root cause of itching scalp and hair fall. Here’s how you can cure it at home from the available kitchen ingredients.

Home Remedy for Dandruff

1. Neem

Neem is one of the best home ingredient to get rid of dandruff woes. In order to prepare neem remedy, you need to make a home-made pack.

You will need:
·         beetroot juice, ¼ cup neem juice, and coconut milk
·         1 medium spoon coconut oil
·         Mix all the above ingredients together for 5 minutes and massage the pack into the scalp and remain it for 25 minutes.
·         Wash it after 25 minutes with herbal shampoo and conditioner.
·         For best results use once a week this remedy for 2 months.

2. Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds will help to stop occurrences of dandruff and itching in the scalp. Because of its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties it is helpful in banish the white flakes.
 You will need:
2 table spoon fenugreek seeds
1 full cup of water
1 full cup of apple cider vinegar
Soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight.
Grind the seeds into a paste in the morning.
Add 1 cup apple cider vinegar to the paste and apply on your whole scalp.
Leave it for 30-40 minutes and then wash off with mild shampoo.
This home remedy will help to make your scalp moisture and help in dry dandruff too.

3. Aspirin

Aspirin is a medicine which comes in tablets, syrups, and used in various cosmetic products. It is also not a natural remedy, we can use it as quick remedy to get rid of dandruff instantlyAspirin is consisting of salicylates – an active ingredient that contain salicylic acid and widely used in shampoos.
You will need:
·         2 aspirin tablets
·         1 herbal Shampoo pack
·         Grind the tablets and add it to a shampoo pack.
·         Let it lather and keep it on for 5 to 10 minutes.
·         Message your scalp with the paste and keep it for 5 minutes and then wash with normal water. If you found aspirin powder on your scalp you can again wash your head with another normal shampoo.

4Baking soda

Baking soda is also helpful to get rid of dandruff. Because of its alkaline nature it helps removing dead skin cells by acting as a exfoliant.
You will need:    
2 tsp baking soda
Few drops of water
First of all you need to wash your hair with lukewarm water.
In order to form a paste add a few drops of water in baking soda.
Apply it on your scalp and massage it for 5 to 10 minutes.
Now wash your scalp with a plain shampoo.

5. Reetha or Soap Nuts

Reetha is used for years to make your hair strong and tall. Reetha is rich of anti-bacterial properties that’s why it can be a bay too.
You will need:
12-15 soap nuts
2-3 cups of water
1 tbsp Amla juice
Keep reetha in water and soak for overnight.
In the morning, grind them and boil the powder in water and add amla juice to it and mix properly. If required, use water to make it a paste.
Apply this paste on scalp for 35 minutes and then wash off with a mild shampoo.

6. Lemon

Lemon is full of vitamin c and other medical properties, you can directly on your scalp. Lemon is used in almost every natural remedy for dandruff and has the ability to cure your dandruff at home.
You will need:
5 lemons juice and slices
Rubbing lemon slices on your scalp is best remedy without hassle. Rub these lemon slices on your affected area of scalp and leave for 10-15 minutes.
Rinse with normal water.

Do this once a week to have best results.

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