Sunday, December 10, 2017

Benefits of Yoga for Weight Loss | Which Yoga help in Weight Loss

The different types of exercises have different benefits. By doing yoga you work out all the muscles in your body as well as your bones, joints and organs. The exercise brings about recreation as well. By doing one hour of yoga you can burn up some 175 calories per hour. This is not a lot. This is how much you burn during a slow walk. This means that the normal yoga does not fetch about enough weight loss. However, there are types of work out and ways in which you can slim down by doing asanas.

Yoga for Weight Loss

•  The Vinyasa or hot yoga offers a great way to drop weight and to detoxify your body. The asanas do not need energetic movements. But they are done in a hot room. In turn your heart rate is raised adequately and you burn more calories. When you sweat all the toxins from your body are out naturally. Before having such workouts you should certainly consult your physician if you have any heart circumstance.

•  The power yoga is a modern type of exercise based on the asanas of the Ashtanga. The workouts are relatively active and can really help you lose weight rapidly. On the other hand, it involves less meditation so it might not be the right choice for those who want successful stress relief. Also, you have to have some previous guidance to do this type of yoga.

Saluting the sun

 This can also be called "surya namaskar"; and this is how it is done;
1. Stand with your feet joined simultaneously and part of your soles in the ground; at the same time, fold your hands in front of your chest. Lift your palms above your head and bend backwards; then, exhale out and at the same time, bend your waist with your hands at your sides and your palms to the ground. I give advice to you not to bend your knees, but touch them with your forehead. After a short time, you go up slowly with your back straight and your finger tips to the ground.

2. Still in that position, extend your left foot to the back using your finger tips as its support; then, position your right foot as you did the left with your feet flat on the ground. Let your head be bent and hang. Take an oblique plank position with your weight on your arms and your toes; let your chest, knees and chin touch the ground with your back yard (butt) in the air. The next step is to take a semi- plank solution and repeat the former positions.
