Thursday, February 23, 2017

Best Home remedies to get rid of Cough Naturally

Cough and cold are the common health problems faced by everyone, it mostly happen at the time of weather change. The root causes of coughing are viral infection, common cold, smoking, flue, and chronicle health problems such as tuberculosis, HIV, asthma, and lung cancer.  Generally coughing is not a serious health problem but should be treated on time by home remedies for cough, you should not take antibiotic if you are suffering from cough for couples of days. If you don’t feel comfortable for more than 3 days, you must consultant with physician. Coughing always help you to keep clean and clear your throat from heavy chest and phlegm. On the other hand sustained coughing can lead to many serious conditions.

If the irritants and harmful substances in the air around you irritates your nasal passage and throat can also cause coughing. Through cough your body rejects these irritants and substances. But sometime these substances enters in your body in the form of pollen and allergen. This type of allergens directly impact on your immune system and reduce the work power of your liver and immune system. If you have a cough with itching and arises immediately in a particular season, you may have an allergy.

Honey is among the top most home remedies for sore throat. As per a study honey is better option to intake instead of cough syrups which are consisted of dextromethorphan (DM). Taking dextromethorphan can cause side effects to your body such as Vomiting, Constipation, Dizziness, and Nervousness.
You do not need to create any special home remedy by using honey, you can take 2 table spoon honey 3 times a day. Honey is very well known from ages to soothe the irritations of your throat and nasal passage. Thus honey play an important role to prepare ayurvedic remedies for cough. Having a cough of warm milk with added honey at bed time helps in relieving dry cough for whole night and make you sleep comfortable.

Ginger is natural resource and among one of the best home remedies for cough and common cold. Ship of ginger teal must give some relief. Take 2 small pieces of ginger and boil in filtered water for 10-15 minutes and add little honey to it.

If you are suffering from cold and cough same time, it may be infection. Steam is a better option to cure congestion caused by infection. Open a carbol plus capsule in boiled water and take steam for 5 minutes.